变革者 & 位真理


A strong start deserves a strong finish.

At Lenoir-Rhyne, your possibilities are limitless. 全球网赌十大网站提供超过55个本科学位和20个研究生课程,以满足您的特定兴趣和抱负. 全球网赌十大网站的包容性校园打开了通往不同文化、观点和思想世界的大门.

在LR, 你会体验到私立文理大学的好处——小班授课, close relationships with professors focused on your success, internship opportunities and career preparation.


熊绑定项目为来自14所当地和地区社区学院的学生提供了一个无缝且负担得起的四年制学位课程. 该项目提高了学生的学习途径,消除了转学生在寻求学士学位时经常面临的障碍.

和, with a combination of merit and need-based financial aid, a Lenoir-Rhyne education is now more affordable than ever.

Be a part of Lenoir-Rhyne while still enrolled at your community college. Co-全球赌博十大网站 students receive a LR student ID card, 让您在转学前了解全球网赌十大网站的学生群体和校园体验.

View 熊绑定


Achieve your education and career goals. 转到LR,你的野心和奉献精神将为你的现实世界的经验做好准备. 从你踏入校园的那一刻起,全球网赌十大网站的招生顾问就在这里帮助你探索你的选择.

完成全球网赌十大网站的 索取资料 form to get started with your personalized transfer consultation. Next, schedule a visit to take a campus tour and meet one-on-one with a professor. 你很快就会发现你的LR经历将如何改变你的生活,帮助你实现你的职业目标.

一旦你被勒努瓦-雷恩录取,你将收到一份转学学分评估,显示你以前课程的LR课程等效性. If you would like to start the application process, you can apply now.  


I didn't think I would be a transfer student when I first started college. 我终于意识到我在以前的学校没有得到我需要的东西,并接受了我需要去别的地方的事实.

科特尼·希尔德布兰·库克 '20, MBA 2021

Transfer Your College Credits

Lenoir-Rhyne将接受来自经认证的北卡罗来纳州社区学院的64个学分. 完成课程的最终成绩必须达到a、B或C才能转换学分. 完成文科副学士学位或理科副学士学位转学的学生将获得劳氏通识教育课程的全部学分, allowing you to enter directly into courses for your chosen major.


查看全球网赌十大网站的自动课程转移评估工具,查看您在其他学院学习的课程是否会转移到LR. If a course or school isn't listed, please contact the 注册处 with questions or to request assistance.

View Transfer Credit Evaluation Tool


  • 实习 & 职业准备
    LR通过个人评估为学生的职业生涯和研究生院做好准备, career counseling and internship assistance. 全球网赌十大网站的 career development center provides a number of services and support, including résumé building, 面试技巧, job search strategies and networking assistance.
  • 学生的研究 & 奖学金
    本科 research and scholarship is a critical part of the student learning experience at LR. 学生创造和展示独立作品的机会很多,而且几乎是每个学术课程的关键组成部分.
  • 出国留学
    LR赞助商 出国留学 programs at 200 different universities and up to 70 countries. 学生 have studied abroad for a year, semester or summer in locations such as Costa Rica, 德国, 冰岛, 爱尔兰, 意大利, U.K. 和中国.
  • Accelerated Master's Degrees
    Complete your master's and bachelor's degrees at the same time. 的Lenoir-Rhyne Accelerated Master's Degrees 该项目为本科生提供了在大四开始完成学士和硕士学位的机会, saving both time and money.


  • Lenoir-Rhyne承诺

    Making Access to a College Degree More Affordable

    Lenoir-Rhyne承诺 (LR Promise)是Lenoir-Rhyne大学的一个项目,专注于使大学学位更实惠, while recognizing the hard work of high-performing students.

    *The LR Promise rewards any transfer undergraduate student with a 3.平均绩点5分,在认可的学院或大学获得超过30个学分,并获得至少相当于学费50%的经济援助. 

    First-year undergraduate students with a 3.5 or higher high school GPA also qualify for LR Promise.

    *All criteria must be met at time of admittance to qualify for the LR Promise.

    Learn 关于 the Lenoir-Rhyne承诺
  • 专业 & 学术项目

    劳氏致力于提供卓越的学术课程,以满足学生不断变化的需求. We offer 55 undergraduate majors and 20 graduate programs available for students. 课程由高素质和经验丰富的教师教授,他们对教学充满热情. 班级规模小, with a student to faculty ratio of 13:1, to allow for individualized attention. The challenging academic coursework is supported by internships, 导师的机会, 本科研究, work study and 出国留学 programs designed to enhance the learning experience.

    访问专业 & 学术项目
  • Enhanced Learning Opportunities

    在LR, 全球网赌十大网站努力为您提供超越课堂的课程和机会. 这些项目旨在通过志愿服务帮助你成长为个人, 服务学习, 领导力发展, 还有旅行. 充分利用你在LR的大学经历,抓住机会,推动你走向你想要实现的职业和未来. Learn more about enhanced learning opportunities.

    了解研究 & 奖学金 Opportunities
  • 建议 & 学术支持

    全球网赌十大网站的 advising and academic support services 帮助你顺利完成从全球赌博十大网站到毕业的学习之旅.

    Provided services equip you with the strategies and resources needed to:

    • Explore academic interests and choose a major
    • Develop plans to reach educational, personal and career goals
    • Engage in more productive study and learning behaviors
    • 在课程上寻求辅导,或者在计划、写作和审阅论文方面获得帮助
    • Manage time more effectively
    • Achieve the goal of earning a Lenoir-Rhyne University degree
    观点建议 & 学术支持
  • Start Your 研究生 Degree Early

    Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Accelerated Master's Degrees 课程旨在帮助目前的LR本科生完成研究生学位. 合格的LR本科生可以在完成本科学位的同时开始研究生课程.

    目前的LR学生可以注册最多12个学分的研究生课程,前提是他们符合全球赌博十大网站的学术标准并被接受进入该计划. 这些研究生课程可以用来满足本科和研究生学位.

    Learn 关于 Accelerated Master's Degrees

作为一名转校生, 辅导员和教授们和我一起决定了我想要的专业,并绘制了一张详细的地图来帮助我实现获得学士学位的目标.

威廉•斯图尔特 '23, Finance

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