Find Meaning & Purpose

Clemmer-Long Center for Vocation & Purpose

Let us help you identify your talents, gifts and passions.

The Clemmer-Long Center for Vocation and Purpose supports students and the greater LR community in creating lives of meaning and purpose. We want to help you identify your talents, gifts and passions so that you can use them to make the world a better place.

The center offers activities, spiritual direction, one-on-one conversations, group talks and hosts the Lives Worth Living series whose speakers include theologians, bishops, artists and advocates for justice.

The virtual home for the center provides ways to connect you with others in the LR community. You will find videos, TED Talks, blogs and other digital resources and find opportunities for small group interactions or individual appointments.

View the Center's Virtual Offerings
Chad Rimmer appears via Zoom on the large screen at Q&A session in Belk Centrum

Keeping the lines of communication open, the Rev Dr. Chad Rimmer took questions from LTSS alumni to provide updates and clarity about the seminary's upcoming relocation.

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Carly York displays the cover of her book Queens of the Jungle

From the leading lion to a superhero octopus, biology professor Carly York, Ph.D., shares the animal kingdom's most amazing female species in her new book.

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