

We need people like you to be the business leaders of tomorrow. Accelerate your career, pursue your passion.

Take your career to the next level with Lenoir-Rhyne's ACBSP-accredited, 36学分的MBA课程, 在广泛的商业领域提供专业发展和进步的特殊机会, 商务, 组织领导力.


Take the next step toward completing your MBA degree at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


Take the next step toward completing your MBA degree at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


You may begin program studies any semester—summer, fall, or spring term. MBA课程在LR的Hickory和Asheville校区提供,并通过在线同步课程交付. Full-time students generally can finish their degree in four semesters. Any practicum experiences can be completed close to home at your convenience.


加入MBA项目,与项目协调员和研究生全球赌博十大网站顾问进行在线信息交流. 会议期间, you will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the admission process, financial aid and program requirements.


All MBA students complete a thorough core in business, 包括会计课程, 管理, 市场营销, 组织行为, 供应链运作, 沟通, 管理经济学.


  • 会计

    This concentration exposes students to coursework in several areas of accounting, which allows them to broaden their perspectives of accounting theory and application. 完成会计专业的学生毕业后将有资格参加注册会计师和注册管理会计考试.

  • 业务分析 and 信息技术

    随着数据分析和信息技术在商业世界中的重要性日益增加, 这种集中训练学生在商业分析和信息技术不断增长和不断融合的领域所需的技术和定量技能. 强调 is placed on data analysis, project 管理, and business systems. 完成BAIT课程的学生将有资格在毕业时参加PMP®考试.

  • 创业

    该课程旨在为学生提供必要的工具和经验,以促进发展,而不仅仅是作为领导者, 同时也是革新者, 在他们选择的商业领域. 学生将沉浸在量身定制的课程中,以丰富他们的学习,培养企业家和内部企业家的心态. 

  • 行政管理

    A concentration designed for mid-level managers with prior business or military experience, the 行政管理 program is focused on growing careers. 这种集中提供灵活的课程,由专家教授,包括学习和网络机会,从领先的企业高管.

  • 医疗管理

    In a fast-paced industry that has growing demand for competent, 优秀的管理者, the 医疗管理 concentration will teach students to distinguish, 理解, 并区分作为医疗保健领域生产基础的关键概念. 学生 will earn expertise and competencies grounded in strong, 选择医疗保健管理课程,这些课程对于在医疗保健领域构建健壮的应用程序至关重要.





  • 以学生为中心的方法
    MBA课程采用以学生为中心的方法,专注于与您感兴趣的领域和未来职业目标直接相关的基于应用的指导. 该计划旨在为您提供与教师的直接接触和密切的专业关系,他们将现实世界的经验带入课堂.
  • 与当今的业务需求相关
    学习决策技巧和工具. 教师 are professionals with work experience in their field. Class simulations take you from the classroom to real business projects. Work with your professors on projects with local businesses and organizations, including conducting audits of businesses under the supervision of your professor.
  • 从本科生开始读MBA
    速成硕士学位 项目为LR本科生提供了一个机会,通过在大四开始硕士学位课程,无缝地进入研究生课程, earning their 主’s degree in a shorter period of time and saving money.

程序的哲学 & 强调

MBA课程以管理为导向,重点是决策,而不仅仅是分析, an emphasis on individual creative problem-solving skills, 全球商业视角, and an emphasis on ethical conduct in 管理.


  • 管理重点
  • 决策取向
    In an environment of imperfect and incomplete information, 你必须准备好理解决策的风险和回报,并对随之而来的后果负责.
  • 创造性地解决问题
    Business leaders must engage individual creativity and innovation; more importantly, they must be able to develop the creative abilities of those in their employment.
  • 全球视角
    As the world's economies grow ever more closely linked, thinking globally enhances opportunity and confronts competitive realities.
  • 伦理领导
    高质量的决策要求企业领导者始终考虑所有利益相关者的道德因素, cultivated by means of a reflective and thoroughly considered set of moral principles.



商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)是一个领先的商业教育支持专业认证协会, celebrating and rewarding teaching excellence. ACBSP对企业进行认证, accounting and business-related programs at the associate, 学士学位, 主, 以及世界各地的博士学位水平.



商科研究生可以选择集中学习至少十二(12)小时的选修课程. 以下MBA浓度要求一般MBA核心和学位选修课从批准的名单如下:



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